In The Flow

Today is a beautiful day to get into the current. At this moment I apprehensively await departure from the Los Rios boat house to travel to the put in at the top of a local river section known as “the box”. One of the many gifts of my union with Mr. Oswald is that he is a seasoned river guide and I have the pleasure of sometime accompanying him on scenic, wet, and exciting adventures.  No matter if it is a journey I have been on before or something new, I always awake with a mix of feelings ranging from excitement to trepidation and everything inbetween. 

The thing is, when your out there you have no control. The weather is unpredictable. The river is always changing. The guide is in charge. All you have is a paddle, a buoyant boat, a current, and what you make of it all. I have had more than once the experience of snow while rafting, great wild winds, terrible sun burns, long overnight trips with no rest and the flu, frightening rapids I have chosen to walk around, box canyons that there is no way out of but down the river, and much more. When I ruminate and reminisce I think to myself “no wonder I wake up with this bounty of emotion!” Yet, getting into the current, on a buoyant flotation device, with a paddle to wield skillfully is a beautiful metaphor for life, and today is a good a day as any to get into the flow.  Whether it’s down a river canyon or the canyon of your work week the adventure is yours to experience, don’t forget to enjoy the scenery and the company, to drink lots of water, and enjoy the ride!

With love, 


2 thoughts on “In The Flow

  1. As a seasoned canoe-ist, I relate fully. Not every watery journey is as placid as in “The Wind In The Willows”. Today, my paddle is ready for the ever-shifting

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